Holistic approach of the Health
What we think, how we speak, our behavior, what we do, what we feel and act, will have a full consequences on our different energy plan (as the body, energy, emotional and mental, and spiritual level).
But not only this aspect need to be understanding, as our emotional and mental pattern will have consequences on our health, our level of physical exercices...
How and what we drink and eat have a full consequences and repercussions on the different plans of the human being. It create different effect, new energy process, with propriety of balancing or unbalancing our all systems.
Everything is Energy. Everything is just Cause & Consequences. All has effect in a balance or unbalance way.Awareness & mindfulness & consciousness are the key.
To supply your alimentation with natural & herbal products will help you to have a full health in complements that all therapy and services giving to you here.
🌸 Ayurveda medicine, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, phythotherapy and oiligotherapy, gemenotherapy...
Many alternative medicine and ancient medicine are used as complementary to allopathic medicine or for avoid all effect to an industrial and chemical process.
The secret is in the Nature.